«Sometimes it can seems so stupid…
when someone ask us for time and space…
But sometimes it isn’t so stupid…
because that’s how some people get rid 
of the whole dirty mud that covers their smiles…
Sometimes it can seems so stupid…
but time and space can save souls…
So at the end of the day, it isnt so stupid…
when you can see that lost stars shine so bright, right?»

People should be aware when this things get out of my mouth…
«I’m hungry…»
«I went to sleep early…»
«I woke up early in the morning…»
«I haven’t watched *insert the name of any of my chinos*’s video yet…»
«I don’t know… I didn’t ask…»
«I don’t know… I didn’t see it…»
«I don’t know… I haven’t talk to her/him…»
«It doesn’t matter, I don’t care anymore…»
«I want to be alone…»
«I don’t want to talk about it…»
«I was just thinking something stupid… nevermind…»
«It’s ok, I wasn’t doing anything…»
«I can’t remember where I put my *insert any thing*…»
«I don’t know… just because?…»
«Leave me alone…»
«Just shut up,ok?…»
«You know what? I don’t really give a damn…»
«Yeah… whatever…»
«If you said so…»
«I haven’t drank coffee since *insert number* days…»
«Why would I care?…»
«Just do whatever you want…»
«I wasn’t listening…»
«I can’t remember…»
«I was wondering if…»
«I wasn’t feeling ok… so yeah…»
«Can you do something for me?…»
«Can you keep a secret?…»
«Would you ever…?»
«What would you do if I…?»
«Can you use your brain to think at least for a minute?»
«Ok, let’s gonna rethink your question…»
«Did you just said…?»
«Mmm… now I can see why you…»
«I forgot about it…»
And the worst of all:
«I’m fine…»

If you ever hear me say some of this things, bad news, my friend!
Or I don’t care about something/someone at all… Or I’m being sarcastic and mean in purpose… Or I’m feeling like shit with myself…
Whatever the reason could be… you better prepare yourself for some bad-crap for being involved with me…
In advance… I’m so sorry… it never is gonna end well… not even for me ^^U
but if you are still here, with me… congratulations!
You’re probably like one of my few best friends!
And that means a lot for me… so thank you for being there, even if I can be such a tease or even a pain in the ass sometimes…

Yeah… just saying…

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